I AM, Present Moment Awareness


Your persona (mask) changes over time. Your thoughts, emotions, titles, body, possessions, relationships, circumstances. Everything about you changes “over” time.

Who are you that is still there? Who are you who has had all of these things?

The essence of self is the awareness of these things. The All Seeing Eye. The Witness. The Observer. Divine Presence Moment Awareness.

The events and experiences are brought into your life by what you choose to pay attention to, care about, and “pay” attention to.

What you choose to pay attention to, is based on what is important to you. What is important to you is known as your values.


Being able to back out of the thoughts, emotions, actions, and circumstances of personhood, allows for a new perspective on the human experience. A perspective that allows for gaining wisdom from each experience, as well as allowing not being trapped within the difficulty of the experience itself.

You can sit back, observe and allow the behavior of the human from a new perspective. Calibrating on behavior instead of being “locked up inside” ones self; running the behacvioral programs of the past, over and over again.

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