Calibrate on Behavior

Behavior is a culmination of all of Your Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions. Many of us never step back and look at our own behavior from a higher perspective, because we are so caught up in running our unconscious programs.

There is great benefit however in recognizing the true essence of self as the observer of your life, and not so much the doer of it.

When we do allow ourselves to step back, and start to pay attention to our behavior, there can be a cognitive dissonance that takes place. Something to the effect of: “This is my life?”, “How could I have acted in that way”, “This is not the life that I imagined”.

With practice however, a new compassion can be found for self. We tend to discover an empathy for the human self, its trials and it’s tribulations. Lessening or even completely loosing, the judgement of self, that we sometimes find so easy to exercise.

It’s important to recognize that people are not their behaviors.

Human behavior is not the underlying soul or spark of life. It is not the essence of life that does such things. It is the behavior of the human, acting out in various degrees of separation and connection. Acting out what it needs to in order to do its part to evolve the whole.

Being In touch with the I AM, Present Moment Awareness, allows one to look at their own behavior in order to recognize whether it is inline with their primary focus, objectives, and motivations.

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