Trust your Imagination

The Material Dimension is the end result of the Dimension(s) we access through our imagination.
As above, so below.

A Dimension is a measurement. Not of a entirely different ‘thing’ necessarily. But simply a different means of perception, of which you may or may not be familiar.

Imagination is the gateway to the nature of your own existence. And the nature of reality.

We bring this world through the “vortex” of a singularity known as, “Present Moment Awareness” into the material plane of existence. By first paying attention to it. Clarifying it. Then adjusting our field –

in this context ‘field’ means ‘local energy body’. Which is accessed through thoughts and emotions. Fastidious keeping them in a state of ‘tidiness’. Energetically cleaned out. All items addressed as they come up

– match that which we wish to create and bring forth into the material plane of existence.

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