What is Mysticism?

Mysticism represents the highest quest of human growth and awareness. Though, it has become an abused, catchall term in todays culture. Being used to encompass everything from crystal‐gazing to tea‐leaf reading. In reality it is none of these phenomena.

The Qualities of Mysticism are stated below:

  • Discovering ultimate Self-Reality. ie, one’s own relation to existence.
  • Discovering if a Supreme Universal Intelligence exists in the deeper levels of the mind.
  • Having Experienced this Presence, now knowing that it exists and can be contacted.
  • Making Direct contact with this Supreme Intelligence.
  • Having Experienced this Presence, now knowing that it exists and can be contacted.
  • Bringing forth into the conscious mind daily, the creativity, attributes, and power of the Universal Mind, for the purpose of improving ones life with practical application.
  • Being guided from within in daily life, through the use of intuitive ESP.
  • Synthesizing the functional mind with the Creative Intelligence of Existence. Therefore being able to create the life one desires.



The main component of mysticism is meditation. The material here refers to mystical meditation, or, the practice of making DIRECT CONTACT with the creative intelligence of the Universe,

How to Mystical Meditation

Each day, go into you own mind for the purpose of releasing thoughts and emotions, so that whatever is at the deeper levels of consciousness, can present itself and become apparent to you.

Typically this is done for 20 to 60 minutes.

Short meditations (walking meditation) several times per day can achieve the similar results.

These meditations should be a conscious choice, with an the objective of seeking out the center of your being first. ‘Conscious choice’ meaning not just ‘fazing out’, which incidentally is a trance or meditation like state, but consciously choosing to do the meditation.

Second Sight

  • Mystical Meditation is done with eyes closed
  • As you practice meditation, you will discover a ‘Second Sight’. You will begin to see into the deeper levels of perception within your mind.
  • This is known and the ‘Third Eye’ or ‘Eye of the Soul’. ‘If thine eye be single, thy body shall be full of light’ – Jesus

Getting Started

Here is a simply format to either supplement, or start off your meditation practice:

  • Set a time and place during your day in which you are most likely to remain undisturbed.
  • When possible, wear loose and comfortable clothing, loosen shoe, belts and anything else constricting.
  • Sit upright so that your spine is as straight as possible. Chest out slightly.
  • Place a single, white candle in front of you.
  • For roughly 10 minutes, stare intently into the candle flame. As you do this, concentration on the flame will steady and focus the mind, clearing away turbulent emotional and intellectual wave patterns. Bring your beingness into better alignment.
  • After the 10 minutes, close your eyes. See the after image of the candle flame in your ‘Third-Eye’ – Your inner forehead.
  • Concentrate on the After image.
  • The glow will generally fade out after a few minutes. Using the afterimage of the flame for a focal point
  • The inner concentration will begin to free your mind from daily-life thinking, directing attention to deeper levels of consciousness.
  • Once the candle flame has faded, sit quietly looking at the whatever may come into your mind. Being attached to nothing that comes across the screen of your mind.
  • Simply in attentive observation of whatever comes your way.

What’s included

These experiences could come in the form of light, cloud like formations, geometric structures, various pictures and even sounds or physical sensations can be experienced.

This experience can sometimes be disconcerting or uncomfortable, for a beginner.

Just remember:

You are the observer, and nothing can happen to you through this practice. You are learning that not only do other dimensions exist, you will find a connection and communication within these inner realms of existence. As well as with the eternal essence of self, The I AM, Present Moment Awareness.

If you feel unease or discomfort during meditation, one common practice to overcome this is to imagine a soft pure protective bubble of white light surrounding you before, during and after the meditation.

You may go deep enough into meditation that you experience a state of innocence referred to as ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’ or ‘Nirvana’. This is a very deep state of meditation, but, with practice, will become easier to maintain during meditation and eventually whenever you wish during the day. You are now in the land of the mystics. Viewing differing aspects of the Universal creative mind.


As you begin to explore the essence of the power that resides within you, you will very likely experience numerous positive benefits. As you go deeper and begin to recognize your own true nature, you may begin to notice:

Improved relations with co-workers, friends and families

An increase in personal magnetism.

An increased optimism about your life.

More positive attitude.

An intuitive feeling of greater control over your the conditions of your life, rather than the conditions having control over you.

You may sense that a higher intelligence is working through you in your life.

Find more opportunities coming your way.

Find yourself being more easily accepted by others.

And many other benefits regarding health, wellness, and peace in your life.

Through the Mystical Power of your ultimately creative, Superconscious Mind, or Universal Intelligence working through you as you engage in your daily activities, you become aware that, at last, you have ‘got it all together!’

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