Define What Happiness Means to You
Always begin with where you are right now and take the time to sit down and think about what a happier life actually means to you. Happiness means different things to different people, so the things that would make you happy are likely to be a little different than your friends.
Own your happiness by having a clear definition in your mind of what happiness means to you.
Believe to Achieve
This is where you change your mindset completely. If you think your happinessis out of reach, then it will be! It will feel like you are chasing rainbows with no pot of gold in sight. Your goal of happiness will be an impossible mission to accomplish.
But is that reality? No. This is what is real – your belief. If you believe in something firmly, then sooner or later, it will manifest its way to you. Change your belief in order to change your life.
Count Your Blessings and Be Grateful
Take some time to be grateful for all the wonderful people, things that you possess, and experiences you have enjoyed in your life. Gratitude naturally makes us happier.
The exercise of gratitude always makes us appreciate the positive side of life, more than the lack that we may otherwise feel. Count your blessings and watch yourself feel better instantly.
Control Your Thoughts
No one is perfect and so a perfect day is a rarity. It should not be an expectation, as that will mean that any small hiccup will cause feelings of lack or failure.
Feeling bad at times is not unusual as we work through the events of the day. As we explained earlier our minds are naturally wired to focus on the negative. Remember the human negativity bias?
This is why it is important to train your brain to feel happier. Cultivate positivity within and see how your thoughts become more positive as time goes on.
Value Progress Not Perfection
When you get tired and begin to wallow in your negative feelings, do not feel like you have failed in developing your new mindset. Instead, value the progress you have made.
You have already made a conscious decision to be more positive and that is progress in itself and worth congratulating yourself on! Value your progress, reward yourself for it and forget about striving for perfection.
Surround Yourself with Positive People
This is a big one! It is said that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with – so choose the people that you spend time with wisely.

The people you surround yourself with will have an impact on your emotional well-being. Therefore, it matters hugely that they are positive and encourage you to be too!
Help Others and They Will Help You
If you have a giving mindset, where you are happy to help others, you can’t help but feel good, more satisfied, and happier in life. Much of our life’s satisfaction often comes from our sense of contribution.
If we’ve helped someone, it will come back to us tenfold. It will enrich your life and make you happier!
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