Did you know that our brains have a natural tendency to focus on the negative, rather than the positive? It’s a psychological tendency called “negativity bias” and this ‘tendency’ is the reason why bad experiences impact us more than positive ones.
This fear-based focus kept our ancestors alive when physical danger lurked around every corner. Today, a persistent negative bias will mean a person is focusing on dangers that don’t exist anymore.
This blinds them to opportunities of all kinds and leads to a less happy, diminished existence.
This is a good starting point if you want to change yourself and become happier, as this shows how influential our mindset is on our level of happiness.
As we know, we wake up happy some days and on other days, we have climbed out of the wrong side of the bed. However, just because we end up having a not-so-good day once in a while, that doesn’t mean we are completely unhappy with our life.
To be generally unhappy with life is an entirely different situation to be in. This type of situation is usually a little more complex and will have built up over time. You may have had a string of unfortunate events that could have left you feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and seriously unhappy.
If you find yourself to be much less happy than you think you should be or if you admit that you’re very unhappy about life, the first thing you need to do is acknowledge it.
Be realistic about where you are right now and commit to being your own best friend. Self-compassion will go a long way to turning your perspective around, so that’s where you can begin.
The moment you consciously admit you are unhappy is the time when you know you can change your mood. Be kind to yourself, and know that your negative emotions can be lifted.
Long-term unhappiness can have serious consequences on your health and affect your life in more ways than one.
There are many techniques that we can use to help boost our happiness meter in our favor. However, before we get into more happiness-boosting ideas, let’s look at changing your perspective and mindset to a happier one first.
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