Ignore Your Inner Critic and Build Your Self Confidence
Picture having a friend who incessantly bites on your ears with snippy comments about everything you do in life.
A friend who goes out of their way to make sure your shortcomings are highlighted in bold so that you do not miss any of it in your every waking moment.
You probably are wondering why you would willingly subject yourself to all that. It all makes sense, nobody needs that kind of a negative load in their life and kicking such a friend to the curb serves them right.
In this logic, if you are willing to rid yourself of external friends who sap away your will to live, why then should you allow the presence of a critical inner voice?
Your own opinion is invaluable to your existence. It molds your character – ideally the way you desire – and it is our most immediate refuge in times of crisis.
In a sense, we are our very own best friends or our most profound nemesis in life. Whatever we tell ourselves goes and our mental process initiates a behavioral response accordingly.
It is unfortunate that at times, perhaps often, this process is unconscious and may appear to be in opposition to what we believe we accept as true. That is, although we may think a certain thing, or that a particular action is proper for the circumstance, we may not act on that truth.
Instead, we may allow our inner critic to override our core beliefs, and the behavioral response then matches that, which may not be what we truly desire.
Identify the Active Role Played by Your Inner Voice
Some may not be conscious of the influence their inner voice holds on them. You first need to put a label on the voice to determine if it is constructive to your needs or fuel for self-defeating patterns.
Think about a problem you are currently facing and monitor the thought process that develops in your mind. Take note of these thought processes when subjected to different situations, both happy and sad.
This assessment lets you catch your inner critic at work and realize the extent to which it influences your decision-making process.
Combating the Inner Critic
Having let the inner critic thrive within you for so long, overcoming its influence can be a daunting task. Have a clear objective of what you would like to replace the criticism with to serve from now on as your support system.
Getting rid of the inner critic without a favorable substitute only creates a void which is fertile soil for more negativity.
Retrace your steps, inner critics do not just grow out of the blue. They are slowly propagated by the environment we are subjected to, or expose ourselves to.
Your inner voice is not necessarily a reflection of the person you really are; it could be a product of toxic personalities in your immediate (past and present) environment.
Some people are raised by abusive families that constantly bombard them with opinions of inferiority and inadequacy in life. Others have friends who are continually preying on their self-esteem or influencers who tell them they cannot amount to anything.
Giving in to these assumptions without applying effort to prove them wrong lets conceited people culture their sore personalities in us. Withdraw from everyone who fits this description and seek friends and a support system that is more optimistic about life. Your inner critic immediately shrinks in importance in this setup.
Motivating Yourself and Building Self-confidence
Self-confidence is a muscle you have to flex every day to keep improving your emotional wellness. Events in life occur unpredictably, and as people grow, they are usually faced with more and more responsibilities.
To become effective in your obligations and to develop the resilience to do so, you must equip yourself with the right mental, emotional and physical vigor.
Practice self-care with well-rounded techniques that meshes with our modern, highly social lifestyles. Self-appreciation is the first step. Reward your achievements in life and say good things about yourself to yourself or others.
Appreciate what you see in the mirror every morning, and engage in recreational activities that you genuinely enjoy.
These behaviors build a supportive attitude for you to thrive and your inner critic transforms to be your most avid cheerleader in life.
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