NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Combining various disciplines encompassing communications, psychology, anthropology, and linguistics, NLP is focused on bringing out excellence in people and in their lives. It is founded on the premise that all human behavior takes root in the subconscious mind. As such, we are walking solutions to our own problems if we understand how our mind works, how powerful language is, and work towards positive change.
NLP is composed of practical techniques that have proven to be effective in creating a change in people’s lives through a change in mindset and behavior. NLP techniques are designed to be simple and applicable in day-to-day life. It has tremendously helped many relationships, improved businesses (through improved management), and uncovered people’s creativity.
A major aspect of NLP is using language strategically enough that it results in a lasting and changed behavior. Many people use NLP today to improve their lives in all aspects and to help themselves overcome self-imposed limitations.
You can almost certainly help to unlock the power of your mind through the use of NLP. Here are simple ways to apply it in your own life.
Reframing Your Experiences
We all see the world differently. We look through a particular lens, and we’re often unconscious of the filter, and 95% of the time, it is what is causing us to perceive things the way we do. It explains why one person may be mild-tempered and take stressful situations gracefully, or why another can easily lose their temper for the simplest of things. The difference is in how you frame certain situations in your life.
You might think you can’t change, but with the help of NLP techniques, there is no reason why you can’t. This method works by choosing to reframe a situation in order to see it in a different light. When you take control of how you frame certain situations, you’ll equally have more control over your thoughts and emotions that are triggered by it.
Awareness of Limiting Beliefs
Every one of us has certain limiting beliefs. These are beliefs that we staunchly and unconsciously believe in about life, ourselves, and other people. They cause us to think and act the way we do, yet they adversely affect our progress. Limiting beliefs are not necessarily true, many of them aren’t at all true, but we continue to support them simply because of how we have experienced life all these years.
NLP helps a person to become aware and conscious of those limiting beliefs that hinder their potential or limit their growth. You may have wanted to do something for the longest time but consistently find yourself unable to do it due to a certain limiting belief, that you are possibly even unaware of. Uncovering these can be powerful and liberating. NLP provides several strategic techniques to counter your unhelpful limiting beliefs.
Using Positive Affirmations
In relation to limiting beliefs, positive affirmations are a widely used NLP technique that effectively helps counter a person’s limiting beliefs. It is a simple but powerful strategy that helps condition a person’s mindset, especially if they’ve successfully uncovered an unhealthy limiting belief and wish to change it.
Changing a person’s limiting belief does not happen overnight. For positive affirmations to work successfully, they need to be done regularly, with constant repetition, and with emotion. This rewires the subconscious mind much faster and eventually, the subconscious will work on making it a physical reality.
Anchoring is an NLP technique that uses stimuli to change an individual’s response. The stimuli can be anything – a phrase, a mantra, a song, or an image. Chosen stimuli need to be associated with a desired and more positive response, so that when undesirable external circumstances happen, or those that are beyond your control, (the ones that cause your unwanted responses) you can re-access your anchor to elicit a different and preferred response.
Anchoring can be very helpful in changing a person’s state and viewpoint – from negative to positive, for example. It conditions the anchor as the ‘real’ thing and not the undesirable temporary experience you are currently embroiled in, so you have the power to choose a better response to situations.
Using Visual Imagery or Visualization
Being in a certain state of mind is so powerful for making things happen. This is why visualization, or the use of visual imagery can either help us or work against us. Pretty much like anchoring, visualization uses the imagination to access a more conscious state of mind that is more helpful and conducive to achievement and attainment. Through the ideas that emanate from powerful imagery in your mind, you can conceive things in your reality and create better experiences.
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Are You Sick of Wishing and Hoping?
Do you wonder why your dreams just never seem to come true?

The missing link between dreams and their realization… is effective goal setting!
If you know how to turn your hopes and aspirations into goals, you can make your dreams a reality, sooner and easier. Success and happiness can be yours!
Goal Setting
This eBook can show you how to make your dreams a reality!
Do you have goals? If you like most people, your automatic response is “Of course I have goals!” But do you?
Most people certainly have dreams and wishes and hopes and aspirations.
But none of these are goals.
These things are an essential starting point for creating goals, but until they are converted to goals, they are desires at best.
Goals are the big difference, the missing link.
Successful individuals can look back and see when they made their dreams become goals, and how their goals led them to their various successes.
‘Goal Setting’ will open your mind to how goal setting is an essential life skill.
Better yet, it will show you how to create meaningful goals that can draw success, and happiness, into your life.
You will also learn –
- How to determine your most important life goals, and to set goals that will support your life journey.
- That it’s never too late to start creating goals – or too soon to see their realization!
- How to be more persistent to help you achieve your goals.
- Action steps to take to turn hopes and dreams into goals, and goals into reality.
- Why people fail to achieve their dreams, and how you can avoid it happening to you.
- How to create a 5 year plan that will set you for success.
- What S.M.A.R.T. goals are, why they work, and how you can use them to make your goals more powerful!
- And much more!