What is Brain Wave Entrainment?


What are Brain Waves?

Think of these as a pattern of thoughts and feelings. However, as thoughts, ideas and feelings are invisible, we usually don’t think of them consciously at all. But even thoughts have patterns and they can be accessed and detected as brain waves.

Brain waves can be detected with the use of sensors that can be attached to the head or scalp. Brain waves are mental patterns. They are divided into bandwidths and each bandwidth has unique and distinct functions.

What is Brain Wave Entrainment?

Meditation, yoga, and exercise are a few of the better-known activities that can cause a shift in the brain wave patterns of people. These methods are often used to alter mind states purposefully. Even without meditation, you can alter your state of mind through brain wave entrainment.

If your state of mind is busy, consciously active, and on high alert, this is a Beta frequency range. With practice, you can quickly change your frequency into any of the other bandwidths:

  • Alpha (to induce a meditative state),
  • Theta (to induce a deeply relaxed state), or
  • Delta (to induce deep sleep).

Brain wave entrainment more rapidly induces altered mental states, depending on what state you direct your brain towards, in order to make a goal a lot easier to accomplish.

If you’re stressed, you can relax your mind easily and almost instantly. If you’re sleepy but want to be more focused and alert, you can upshift your mental state as well.

It’s a lot like flipping channels for your brain, with you regulating the remote control, so you can change the way you feel and think to the frequency that will serve you best in what you need to be doing. Brainwave entrainment does this using certain technologies and tools to achieve the desired purpose.

Because people are ‘wired’ differently, they will respond differently to given stimuli. Here are three common types of brainwave entrainment. Each has its advocates, so it is worth trying them all to see which one helps you to most effectively reach your desired brainwave zone or zones.

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