What is Time Management


Each day provides us with just 24 hours and it often seems like there is never quite enough time to get everything done. Why do some people seem to achieve so much more than others in that same 24-hour span?

The answer: Time Management.

Not just time management, but effective time management, is a keystone for high achievers and successful people. This skill set is incredibly useful at home, work, and school. Working smarter, not harder, is the main idea here.

Time management is a powerful method of organizing and planning so you can accomplish more goals in less time.

Benefits of Time Management

It may almost seem counter-productive to spend valuable time researching time management skills instead of fully utilizing what little time we have in the day on what needs to get done. On the contrary, without a solid foundation, we are just basically “winging it”.

Benefits of time management include:

  • Increased productivity
  • Better organization
  • Higher quality of work
  • Surpassing normal expectations
  • Deadlines are met
  • More opportunities for advancement
  • Less stress
  •  More “me” time

Time Management in the Workplace

On-the-job display of mastery of time management is impressive to our coworkers and management. People who are successful in their line of work don’t really spend a lot of time on idle chit-chat and just get down to business. Instead of arriving on time, they prefer to get there early and get prepared for the day ahead.

They have probably even prepared today’s to-do list, which is a critical part of time management, before leaving the office the day before. This group of people also relies heavily on a detailed schedule to ensure that each project, task, and goal is allotted the necessary time it should take to finish.

Moving up the corporate ladder depends greatly on your time management skills. In fact, these days it’s commonplace to inquire about an applicant’s experience with effective managing time and ask for examples during an interview.

Employers want people who can cut costs and increase revenue by being more productive, delegating tasks when necessary, being punctual and organized, and having superb prioritizing expertise to meet and even exceed deadlines.

Time Management at Home

Without utilizing good time management skills in the home setting, everything could easily fall into complete disarray and become extremely chaotic. It’s probably true that most households exist on routines and schedules to get through the evening rush.

Yet it seems as though there’s always cleaning that needs to be done, laundry gets piled up and neglected, dinner dishes are someone else’s problem, and the green gunk in the pool indicates it probably hasn’t been tended to in weeks.

It’s Monday and Little Katie has been assigned to select a book from the library for a book report due Thursday. Johnny has a class party on Friday and he’s signed you up to bring cookies and punch, which means a trip to the grocery store and another trip to the school.

Your significant other is vying for a promotion at the office and has invited a member of the board over for dinner on Friday evening. To accomplish the above scenario, it’s almost impossible without proficient time management.

Calendar coordination and prioritizing are imperative especially when there are multiple people relying on the brain of the operation to keep it all together. Because somewhere along the way you’ve also got to find time for a little self-care, too.

Time Management at School

About the time kids enter high school they get a crash course in time management. Teachers before now have encouraged them to develop healthy study habits, get plenty of sleep and eat breakfast before school. The real challenge is about to begin. From here on out teachers and professors aren’t as forgiving when work is turned in late or it’s clear very little studying has been done.

Having multiple classes means multiple assignments, many of which might overlap one another creating a great big pile of homework. Throw in extracurricular activities, a social life, maybe even a part-time job and it’s a recipe for disaster without methodical time management skills.

If you are serious about working on improving your time management skillset, check out the list of do’s and don’ts below to help you get started:


  • Set goals, big and small
  • Make a daily to-do list
  • Delegate when appropriate
  • Make time for rest and play


  • Procrastinate
  • Multitask (2-minute rule*)
  • Hoard Tasks/Demand Control • Allow distractions (phone, TV)

The 2-minute rule: If you are involved in a task and another task comes to mind that needs to be done, only stop what you are doing if the second task can be finished in 2 minutes or less.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking time management is only about achieving goals. It’s about balance and quality of life. And don’t forget about self-care. Self-care is a part of a balanced life.

By decreasing stress related to unmet goals, projects that keep getting put off, and regret over wasted time and energy, you have more stamina and motivation to continue being productive. All through the means of efficient time management skills.

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I Don’t Want Much, I Just Want More!

What’s the difference between those who have the time to do all they need to and want to, and you? It’s their time management skills!

Everyone, at some time or another, wishes they had more time. Time to do the things that must be done, and time to do the things they want to do. 

Time Management

This course can help you turn your life around!

Good time management is not a gift, it is an essential life skill. Not only that, it is a very learnable skill. 

It is one that can be done in small, easy steps by replacing bad, unconsciously learned behaviors with ones that have made average individuals into super-productive people. The ones that work smarter, not harder.

Do you know someone who wishes they had more free time? 

Almost everyone does, and even if they don’t, it’s usually because they are not managing their time effectively either!

Most people are churning through their day believing this is not their real life. Their real life will begin when they get the time to do what they want to do!

The truth is whatever you are doing is your real life, but you can make changes to it that will help you do more of what you have to do more efficiently and productively, and also help you to maximize your free time doing what you love.

This means less stress and more happiness!

Every lesson in this course will help you develop your time management skills. 

You will also learn –

  • How better time management skills can help you at work, at home, and at school.
  • Specific skills that on their own are incredibly powerful, but when combined can make you almost unstoppable.
  • Poor time management practices that must be avoided or stopped.
  • How to create a time management schedule and stick to it.
  • How to avoid and overcome distractions that waste precious time better spent on the things you really want to do!
  • How to prioritize your lists and get things done on time.
  • How to set a goal, make a plan, and finish it.
  • And much more!

Nothing restricts and defines a person’s lack of ability to control their outcomes – present and future – than poor time management skills. Most people are continually complaining about their lack of time, how busy they are, and all the things they have to do.

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You Will Find This Course In Living Library Plus

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