There are different ways to determine one communication style from the other.
Here is a brief explanation of the two.
Assertiveness is based on balance. When you are assertive, you are clear and forward about your needs without overstepping boundaries.
Your goal is to communicate your opinion while respecting other people’s feelings and opinions. You don’t try to force them into your way of thinking.
Aggression is based on the desire to win the discussion or situation. If you are a person who shows aggressive behaviors, you are doing what will help you, with no consideration for others. You do what needs to be done to suit your agenda. Aggressive behavior is seen to be rude, pushy, and selfish.
Assessing Your Communication Style
You may already be aware of what type of style you exhibit to others. The more we understand the type of communication that we use, the better we can narrow down the crucial areas where we may need to improve. Regardless of your style, there is almost always room for improvement.
People who want to take on a more assertive communication style may currently be passive communicators or aggressive communicators.
If you are a passive communicator, it is typical for you to allow the needs of others to come before your own. This sounds lovely at face value, but it is not always healthy. You have to care for yourself too. Being too passive all the time can lead to resentment and build up other negative emotions.
If you are an aggressive communicator, you may tend to walk all over other people and disregard their opinions and emotions, simply to get what you want. This is not a communication style that leads to long, happy relationships.
You will end up alienating many people you come in contact with. They will not want to trust you or respect you if you blatantly crush them all the time.
Assertive People Communicate Honestly and Openly and How You Communicate with Others Is Important!
Learn How To Be Assertive and Not Aggressive