Body Detoxification Explained

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A body detox or body detoxification is the term used to describe an internal body cleansing process. There are two main purposes for undergoing a body detox.

  1. To cleanse the body of toxins caused by addiction.
  2. To cleanse the body of toxins that have accumulated in the body from the daily intake of unhealthy foods and beverages. These accumulated toxins can either cause potential harm to the body, or already have.

Addiction Detoxification

For the purpose of cleansing the body from toxins caused by substance addiction, it is not the actual treatment, but is an important step in the rehabilitation process. A detox does not cure addiction, instead it cleanses the body of free radicals and harmful elements that may have been left from the abused substance.

This type of detoxification process requires a medical practitioner to supervise the process, as the detox causes withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms can range from being minor, such as nausea, to major symptoms that can result in hallucinations and seizures.

The withdrawal period is a time when the brain and body rebalance themselves in the absence of the addictive substance. This includes increasing production of hormones which have been suppressed, as they mimic the behaviors of the addictive substance, and inhibiting the production of those that have been released in larger than normal amounts to overcome the effects of the substance.

Diet Detoxification

A diet detoxification internally cleanses a body that has accumulated toxins over time due to mainly to a less than ideal diet, but also environmental inputs.

Advocates of a body detox believe that detoxification is an integral part of keeping the body in an optimal state of health. This regular detoxification process is followed by fasting and avoiding foods rich in fats and preservatives.

Prolonged fasting helps rid the body of toxins, but can also cause a deficiency of nutrients and minerals that the body needs to survive and function properly, so it is important to do a body detox right!

Detox and Weight Loss

A detox diet is often started due to its known weight loss benefits. Often it is not fat that is lost, especially initially. However, a build-up of waste products is removed by an effective body detox. This aids in achieving a healthy digestive system and more efficient elimination, which helps in any weight loss or health goals.

When our body is fed natural, healthy food, in appropriate quantities, it is mostly able to cleanse or detoxify itself. Drinking water as your main drink helps this process hugely. Under these conditions, toxins accumulate very slowly and the body has little trouble in maintaining balance.

Modern Diets are Often Not Ideal

Today, the majority of people in developed countries would not be eating to this ideal. While diet is a personal responsibility, it is certainly made more difficult by the plethora of processed, stodgy foods that have become mainstream dietary staples. Those who follow this type of diet often get much of their fluid intake from soft drinks, energy drinks or milk-based drinks rather than plain water.

When highly-processed, usually sugar-rich foods are continually eaten, often in quantities excess to energy requirements, not only nutrition suffers, but our whole system is affected.

Our digestive system, from the stomach to colon, changes for the worse. The gut flora changes and the elimination process slows down. Our body tries to warn us using discomfort and even pain, which we often ignore or cover up with painkillers and antacid medications.

Instead of toxins being quickly and effectively passed from the body, many are re-absorbed via the large intestine. This creates an environment where illness and disease incubate and grow.

Check With Your Doctor

Although a body detox has many benefits, seeking professional medical advice beforehand is recommended. If a person has become conditioned to a regular diet of processed, unhealthy foods, and their toxic burden is high, their response to an effective body detox process could be very pronounced. Similar reactions to an addiction detox can occur.

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