Emotional health is not always apparent. Sometimes, describing someone as an “emotionally healthy individual” can be difficult to do. This is because we cannot judge a person’s level of emotional health just by looking at them.
What they display or what is happening around them doesn’t always give a true indication. Also, most people have the ability to present a persona, or façade, that presents them more aligned to how they wish to be perceived, than is a true representation of how they are, most of the time.
You may think you are adept at covering up your emotions. However, no matter how hard you try to hide your feelings, those close to you can quite often sense if you’re emotionally happy and healthy or not. This is because an emotionally healthy person is someone that displays certain characteristics that are not only seen but also felt.
Emotional health can only be assessed over time. This is also how it is developed. It is not formed at birth, fixed and unchangeable. It is cultivated through the challenges that a person faces daily, and molded by their reactions to them.
Unconscious Emotional Development
Most people’s emotional state develops unconsciously. All too often, this is in response to physical, mental or emotional exposure to unpleasant, invasive, or dangerous situations or events, usually from other humans.
Everything we do, whether real or imagined, pleasant or unpleasant, creates an emotional response. Unfortunately, the emotional links between subsequent experiences and their responses are not always thought out or rational, they are…emotional.
That in itself is a protective device – the emotional response is much faster than the comparatively plodding rational thought processes. However, the results, both immediate and long-term, don’t always pan out to be in the best interests of those involved.
Here are some characteristics of an emotionally healthy person.
Kind and Considerate
Emotionally healthy individuals are compassionate. In the absence of valid and logical reasons to do otherwise, they treat other people with kindness and give them the benefit of the doubt.
They are sensitive to other people’s needs and feelings. If you value the importance of being able to help other people, then you possess one of the most important characteristics of being emotionally healthy.
Treating others well is a natural habit for an emotionally healthy person. They have kindness in their heart and don’t seek to hurt anyone. They are the type of person who can strike up a conversation with a stranger and are aware that their actions and words can either benefit or harm other people emotionally.
Emotionally healthy individuals try to do the ‘right thing’. Their conscious keeps them honest. They feel guilt and remorse whenever they do something that they feel is unethical or hurtful. To be dishonest would only bring them sadness, so being true to themselves and others is important.
Stay True To Themselves

When a person is emotionally healthy, they appreciate their strengths and recognize their weaknesses. The things they say and do are reflective of who they are. Their ‘outer’ self is consistent with their ‘inner’ self.
They may change your aspects of their outward attitude occasionally, especially in social gatherings, in order to ‘fit in’ with the crowd and not ruffle anyone’s beliefs. However, they don’t do it to the extent where they are making pretensions about their true self.
In other words, emotionally healthy people live their own life, by their own morals, and don’t just do what others would expect them to do.
Can Assess and Adjust To Any Situation At Hand
If a situation arises, they can quickly assess how it will affect not only themselves, but also others. They don’t just react, they remain mindful. As an emotionally healthy individual, they know when to talk things through or when to keep quiet.
They also have the ability to assess when to be proactive and take control in a crisis situation, while also setting their own boundaries. However, they are emotionally mature enough to know when to follow someone else’s decisions without their ego being threatened.
Are Thankful and Gracious
Being emotionally healthy makes it easier to show gratitude towards other people and thankful for their life. It brings emotional contentment. They regularly count their blessings, don’t have unreal expectations of others, or envy other’s possessions.
Shows Care In Their Relationships
Spouses, children, parents and friends of emotionally healthy individuals are aware that they appreciate them. Being emotionally healthy does not mean they will always be perfect in their relationships with others.
There may be times when they have disagreements, but they feel and show regret and remorse almost immediately, especially if they realize they have erred.
Even if not, they will ‘agree to disagree’ and work to avoid developing or holding grudges. Despite disagreement, they are still capable of showing affection and unconditional love to their family and loved ones.

Practice Physical and Emotional Control
Most of all, emotionally healthy individuals are almost always in control of their emotions. They practice control not just in their actions. They take ownership of their thoughts, emotions and behavior. They practice control in everything they do, even if nobody is watching.
This does not require becoming robotic. In fact, being in control allows a person to more fully and mindfully live in the moment, and experience the full depth of emotion a situation offers.
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