If you keep your ego in check and use it right, you can benefit from it hugely. So how do you use ego to your advantage? Here are some suggestions.
Believe In Yourself
A strong and resilient ego is especially useful when you’re going through a rough time and you feel like giving up. In these situations, you use your ego to get back up again.
Believe in yourself. Think about your past successes and losses. You made it through before, didn’t you? So you will again. Think about your wins and your potential. That will lift your ego as you remind yourself what you’re capable of.
Life is full of challenges, but you can overcome them. Sometimes, no amount of comforting words from the people around you can make you feel better. At these times it’s only believing in yourself that can help you get back up.
Face Your Fears
Fear is a paralyzing feeling. It stops you from moving forward. It makes you hesitate. Whether it’s trying a new hobby, joining an organization, quitting your job, or getting into a relationship, fear can stop you from taking action.
At times like this, use your ego. Believe that you can do it. Remember that the opportunity might not come up again, so you must seize it.
“If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.” – Ellen Johnson
It’s when you’re really scared that great things can happen, once you overcome your fear. Your ego will tell you that you can achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve. But you must face your fears and believe that your dreams are bigger than them.
Overcome Self-Doubt
Use your ego to overcome self-doubt. You might see great opportunities, but do you doubt if you can do it? The negative voices inside your head can sabotage you and tell you it’s not safe to do it.
Let your ego take over. Think about the things you wanted to do in the past and how you succeeded when you finally did them. How did that make you feel?
Your ego will guide you to push forward and help you believe that you’re capable of doing amazing things that may even be beyond your imagination. Push your self-doubt aside and take courage.
You must develop an understanding of other people to build a better relationship with them. That starts with understanding yourself first. So use your ego to do some self-reflection.
What it is that matters to you? How can you fit in what others consider important? How independent are you? How can you achieve self-actualization while encouraging others that they can do the same?
Begin to question your understanding of these things and dig deeper. It’s a process and it doesn’t happen overnight, so you need to do it regularly.
It’s when you develop a better understanding of your ego that you can build stronger relationships thoughtfully.
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