The kind of mindset that we eventually develop starts forming from our experiences as we are growing up. How the adults around us treated us molds how we see ourselves. The kind of childhood that we experienced creates our early perspective about the world. Subconsciously, unless effort is made to change it, this worldview can affect much of our thinking and behavior for the rest of our life.
Our mindset influences every aspect of our lives. The kind of mindset that we have now can either help us succeed and reach our desired dreams or lead us to where we don’t want to be in our life plan. There are two main types of mindset that people generally have, either a fixed or growth mindset.
People with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence and abilities are static – basically fixed at birth – and can no longer change. Thus, they no longer seek opportunities to improve themselves. These people have already accepted that where they are right now will no longer change.
Meanwhile, people with a growth mindset are the exact opposite. They are always looking for ways to improve themselves and are often on the lookout for opportunities to change for the better. They are people who set goals and are dedicated to putting in the work to succeed.
A person’s mindset has a significant impact on their life from very early on. For example, a child that grows up in a growth mindset environment is encouraged to explore and discover their passion, as the adults around the child believe in their potential for growth.
Meanwhile, a child that grows up in a fixed mindset environment experiences the opposite – they are not encouraged and supported in exploring new and different ways to interact with the world.
They avoid pursuing passions or honing talents because the people around them do not believe that the child can become the master of their own destiny. Both types of children will carry those mindsets with them as they grow older.
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