Psychic Bridge

Man Welcoming you to a bridge

TL;DR: Building a bridge between the dimensions of your mind, promotes oneness and offers greater accessibility to your inner tools and states. i.e. When writing, don’t just see yourself as a writer struggling for ideas. Recognize the scribe, creative intelligence, and translator within you. Bridge them together, and creativity will flow effortlessly.

This article sets up and describes creating that bridge.

Here we are at the Beautiful Dodge Park in Sterling Heights, Michigan. The bridge before you leads to a portion of the clinton river trail system. 

Today, however, I would like to talk about a different type of bridge. The bridge between the dimensions of Self.


Throughout our life, we take on endless roles, responsibilities, & positions. We explore different aspects of what it is to exist . . . to be a human. We develop different personas or characters to adapt to each of these environments. 

So, for instance you have a different behavioral persona for work, for your family, relationships, for your friends, exercise, learning, for paying bills and accounting, etc… you get it. 


In order to access these behaviors, we generally use ‘anchors’ to activate these mindsets and behaviors within us. 

So… something happens, which lets the human system know, that it’s time to go into that set of behaviors.

i.e. when you show up at work, it’s time to go into work mode. On the way to work, you were in personal time mode, prior to that it was get the family ready for the day mode, etc . . . simple as that.

(We’ll talk more about anchors and their uses at a later date. see: psychological anchors via search engine, to find out more.) For now I’m going to point to something simpler and easier, yet more conceptually advanced.

Time for Change:

The behavioral States that you’ve developed will likely stay the same unless acted upon by an outside force. Generally, whether suddenly or over time; something sufficiently uncomfortable creates enough pain to force a change of behavior within you. You say to yourself I can’t take it anymore. I must make a change. This is know as becoming sated, or in more severe circumstances, as Rock Bottom.

Internal Personas:

But let’s look for a moment at the internal psychic emotional level.

So for instance, if you are feeling a deep sense of love – especially new love – You may have all sorts of warm and endearing, the universe all makes sense now, everything is gonna turn out alright type of feelings.

If you are in a meditative state, you may have feelings of zen, peace, enlightenment, oneness, positivity, the universe or God has my back emotions.


For some of us, even simply thinking about money and wondering how to make ends meet; may trigger thoughts and  feelings of despair, hopelessness, defeat, and the like. 

If you’re going through a break up, you may have thoughts of what’s wrong with me, emotions of unworthiness, anger, hurt, guilt & sadness. 

The Bridge :

Forms of this concept have been talked about in many, many different ways by many people over Millenia. The most common of which is called giving it away. Or surrender.

But I would like to frame that concept in a more practical light. 

So I’m going to talk about it with a slight perceptual shift, in that the persona that you are currently using, does not have the resources available to handle a specific issue. Mainly, recurrent undesirable situations, limiting thoughts and negative emotions about whatever is going on for you. 

Or simply when you go into a part of your mind, and think about something, it brings up dread or demons. As well as limiting thoughts and negative emotions that you then suppress because you don’t know how to deal with it, in the frame of mind you are in when you encounter them.

Now its perfectly ok to feel appropriate feelings and allow them to play themselves out. In fact it’s generally encouraged for healing and growth.

But when you’re in these different personas, and you run into repetitive cycles attempting to ‘solve your problems’ from a specific persona for months, or years, or decades. When you continually try to repair elements within your psyche, or your world; from a persona which clearly has no clue how to solve it, you carve deep channels into the wiring of your mind, and the pain from it continually worsens. Eventually, something must give.

But what if it doesn’t have to ever get to that point? And what if when you are at that point, there’s something very, very simple that you can do to alleviate the symptoms, begin to rewire your brain to work for you, instead of against you, and get you quickly on the road to health, wealth and happiness. Well, there is . . . And now you’ are’ll equipped with a higher frame of mind, to be able  to accomplish whatever missions you set your sights to. 

The Process

I have begun to develop this process because after more than 30 years of researching ‘Self-Awareness and Self-Discovery’, the suggestions that I’ve found were either too vague to be understood, or too complicated to be practical. 

This process is extremely simple. For now, I will simply give you an overview, So that the big picture can be seen and we can fill in the blanks as necessary later on.


Recognize that the knowingness, peace tranquility, zen, etc . . . that you felt while in love, or in meditation, or otherwise, is always within you, and accessible at all times, regardless of whether you can feel it right now or not. 


Begin to become aware of undesirable or unwanted thoughts and emotions as they come up. The thoughts and emotions that you’ve tried just everything to be free of. But just can’t seem to get a handle on. 


Create the bridge.  The bridge can be anything that you can imagine visually, auditory or kinesthetically. It must be easy for you to recall. So use something simple. For me it is a simple visualization of a ray of light. And if you can’t decide, I would recommend that you use that.

The ray of light symbolizes Exposing emotions and thoughts that you have suppressed, and giving them away to a dimension of yourself which can alleviate and take care of these difficulties. For some, it may be that it symbolizes giving it away to God. However, with a concerted effort to make a shift, now its not just a concept of giving it away or surrender, it’s active work on your part in order to make that happen.

Allow the light to access all the undesirable areas within your current state of mind. Do not try to suppress or hide anything, the moment it comes up let the light have access to it. If you like, you can imagine the light cleansing, evaporating, or burning these things away. Sometimes for me, the light likes to turn any darkness into a jewel of wisdom. Which sometimes I imagine putting into my third eye or my heart.

And always remember to breathe big, cleansing breathes. Using the breath as a bit of a supercharger to assist in clearing out the system. All visualizations and feeling had, are valid and helpful.

It’s as simple as that. Simply and earnestly, allow the light to shine on the undesirable parts of your own psyche. Begin to catch the negativity in your own mind, in all its forms; and diligently allow the light to shine on it. Then watch as your brain is “magically” rewired to accommodate your new ‘enlightened’ state of being. You will feel both immediate effects, as well the long term effects of consistent practice  

By doing this, you’ll tap into your own inner faculties and be equipped to make better decisions, navigating life with calmness and clarity.

Remember, your thoughts and emotions have a vibration, and the world around you reflects that. So, by actively shifting your internal frequency, you can create positive ripple effect in your external experiences.

Staying cool, calm, and collected pays off in any circumstance. It grants better access to your faculties, empowering you to make better decisions and take appropriate actions.

  • Eric