Discovering Ancient Wisdom Through a Modern Lens

Fractal Nature of Awareness


Hey friends,

Picture this: I was out on a camping trip, immersed in nature, and I stumbled upon some fantastic realizations within myself—insights that I know I’ll be exploring for a lifetime. These concepts are rooted in ancient wisdom but framed in a fresh, modern perspective that I believe makes them easier to grasp. The true test of understanding, after all, is the ability to explain complex ideas in a clear and simple manner. So, allow me to share these insights with you.


Awareness is the fundamental nature of self. It is the quintessential self that witnesses all the events in your life. It is the core of your being and exists in infinitely repeating fractal patterns all the way back to source. Awareness exists within all things, and all things exist within it. For example, you can hold awareness for multiple things at the same time in a self-similar pattern. It may not be the entirety of your awareness that focuses on one thing, but the awareness that is focused on it is the same as the larger awareness that is self.


Imagine essence as the underlying life force that animates all things. It’s the energy that gives life to everything around us, including you and me. Essence is also known as Chi, Prana, or Qi in different cultures, symbolizing the vital energy that flows through all living beings. This life force embodies qualities such as love, compassion, grace, vitality, harmony, and balance. Remember, energy follows awareness, meaning wherever your awareness goes, your energy flows too [oai_citation:1,Qi (Chi) vs Prana vs Ki: An Exploration of Life Force Energy]( [oai_citation:2,Prana: Demystifying Life Force Energy |](

Egoic Vessel

Think of an egoic vessel as an energetic form of specific density. A human being itself is an egoic vessel, an energetic form where essence goes to help you play the game of life. These vessels have varying densities relative to other egoic forms, which can influence their capacity to channel and express essence. Similar egoic vessels exist within you, like one for your job and another for hanging out with your friends. Awareness, with its gentle focus, pours essence into ego vessels, filling and animating them with life.

Egoic Droplet

An egoic droplet is like a smaller form of an egoic vessel. It represents specific emotions or responses that arise in particular situations. For example, it could be the anger triggered when you are stuck in traffic or the love you experience when you watch your children play. These droplets can influence your behavior and reactions, encapsulating a momentary state of being. Awareness delicately infuses essence into these droplets, bringing them to life.

Tuning into Egoic Vessels

Imagine tuning into an egoic vessel like a radio. You select a frequency (or state of being) and embody it fully. Each vessel or droplet has its own unique frequency that you can access and inhabit, allowing you to experience different aspects of life through various lenses, traits, and abilities.

Epiphany Moments

**Epiphany Moments** are those instances when you collect the light of essence or source and bring it back down into the density of the ego vessel. Over the course of our existence, we progressively bring more light into the egoic vessels to illuminate them and raise their vibration. By doing so, we can eventually awaken within this vessel. Just as one can have awakened moments, but then find themselves very much back in egoic form, these epiphanies help integrate higher awareness into everyday life.


**Enlightenment** is the state where an egoic vessel reaches a level of awareness where it becomes aware of itself from within. It is the awakening to one’s own true essence and presence while being the vessel itself, and simultaneously being aware of the vessel from outside of it. Enlightenment involves a continuous state of recognizing and embodying one’s true nature beyond the egoic forms, maintaining a profound connection with essence and awareness. It does not mean that someone becomes “perfect” but rather that they allow, love, and forgive things for what they are. They love the flaws and are not trapped within the vessel itself but use it as a tool. The process never ends, and just like you don’t get a flower to grow unless you throw some shit on it, enlightenment involves embracing and transforming the challenges and imperfections of life. Part of the beauty lies in the flaws, as they add richness and depth to the human experience.


**Consciousness**: When essence follows awareness and breathes life into a vessel, it becomes conscious. This allows it to experience life fully and interact with its surroundings.

Ever had a moment of epiphany that made the universe make sense, but it disappeared as you returned to daily life? These moments are about collecting the light of consciousness and progressively bringing yet back into your daily life.

I hope these ideas spark some curiosity and wonder in you, just like they did for me around the campfire. Let’s explore this magical journey together!



Recommended Videos and Content

1. **Video on Fractals and Awareness**: “The Hidden Dimension of Fractals” – This video explains the concept of fractals and how they relate to the patterns of awareness. [Watch here](

2. **Chi and Life Force Energy**: “What is Chi? Understanding the Life Force” – An informative video on the concept of Chi and its role in animating all living things. [Watch here](

3. **Guided Meditation for Awareness**: “Guided Meditation for Deep Awareness” – A meditation video to help you tap into your awareness and integrate higher consciousness. [Watch here](

4. **Article on Consciousness and Enlightenment**: “The Path to Enlightenment” – A detailed article exploring the journey towards enlightenment and the role of consciousness. [Read here](

These resources will provide additional depth and understanding to the concepts discussed in this article.

Ever had a moment of epiphany that made the universe make sense, but it disappeared as you returned to daily life? These moments are about collecting the light of essence and progressively bringing yet back into your daily life, leading to a progressively enlightened state of being.

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