Characteristics of Quitters


Billy Ocean sang the song, ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going.’ It’s a great line and has been used by a few motivational speakers. Like many motivational quips, it’s easy to say, and can be extremely tough to do.

Many people give up on their goals and it’s totally human to quit. We all make mistakes. We all experience pitfalls along life’s journey.

However, who doesn’t want to win? Everyone has dreams. Everyone wants to achieve something. Everyone would like to change something, but when you quit, you give up on those dreams. You lose.

Recognizing the characteristics of a quitter and knowing how to avoid them can help you reach your goals and win in life. Here are some of the recognized characteristics of a quitter, and if you can say you exhibit some of these traits, you can change them and become a winner!

Quitters Make A Lot Of Excuses

Quitters have a lot to say about why things don’t work out for them or why things are not worth their time. So they either give up or play the victim card.

Oh my, why is it always me? It is what it is. I’m tired. I don’t have time. I can’t afford it. It’s just not the right fit. It’s uncomfortable.

If you find yourself uttering these sorts of phrases, you are definitely making excuses for not doing everything you could. You are trying to justify to yourself and others why you are giving up.

If there’s anything you need to quit, it’s making excuses. Do what you have to do first. If you really want something, you’ve got to find a way to achieve it.

You have to put in the work.

Quitters Surrender To Resistance

Quitters easily give in to resistance. Whenever you are trying something new or pursuing a difficult project, you will face challenges. You will possibly even have people say to you it’s not going to work out.

Sometimes it’s the closest people in your life who will tell you not to do it, and although they’re well-meaning, it can be demotivating. So don’t let them make you quit! Don’t surrender. Overcome resistance by using your own willpower.

If there’s a will, there’s a way.

Quitters Overthink Everything

Quitters overthink, overanalyze and worry about things that may or may not happen. While it’s important to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, overthinking can cause stress and anxiety and do more harm emotionally to you.

Stop thinking too much. Don’t try to look at all the angles and cover everything before you start. When you overthink, it can make you feel discouraged, and then you’ll just decide that walking away is the simplest thing to do.

How can you finish anything if you don’t even start?

Quitters Want Instant Results

Quitters want instant results. They don’t want to accept delayed gratification. So if the path becomes long and winding, they pull up a chair and give up. Knowing how much work they have to do to achieve a goal discourages them.

So they take the easy road. The path of least resistance. They quit. Know that the most fulfilling goals are those that you have worked hard for. They were worth your time and effort; your blood, sweat, and tears.

If you want to be a winner and get results, change your mindset and persist.

Quitters Are Surrounded By Negative People

Quitters tend to be surrounded by negative people. Like-minded people tend to hang together. Negative people can bring you down. If you speak to yourself negatively, you will bring yourself down too.

When you’re feeling down about something you’re working on, negative people make you feel worse, not better. They’ll reaffirm your negative feelings. What happens then? You lose hope and you quit.

Be around the people who can help you in a positive manner. Surround yourself with optimistic people. Find a role model or two, who have probably been through what you’re experiencing and learn from them.

Tap into an inner circle of people who will lift you up, not bring you down.

Quitters Are Reluctant to Try Anything New

Quitters are satisfied to stay in their own little comfort zone. They don’t like trying anything new. Whenever there is an opportunity to explore a new avenue, they will quickly give a reason why it’s not going to work, why it’s not worth their time, why it’s hard, and why they are not qualified.

Get around this by getting yourself out there. Get out of your comfort zone and don’t be afraid to experience new things.

If you stay where you are, you’ll never grow and you’ll never reach your goals.

Quitters Don’t Want To Take Risks

Quitters are risk-averse. They’re afraid to fail so they don’t try. They’re not a fan of taking chances, so they tend to stay in the safe zone. When they see a chance that something could take a wrong turn, they back down. They quit.

Life is full of chances, and there are always risks! You need to challenge yourself and take a gamble. Taking risks doesn’t mean you’re being reckless. It only means you’re willing to try and do your best while you do.

Accept that most things wonderful in life don’t just get handed to you on a silver platter. You usually have to put some work in to achieve them. If you quit, you’re not going anywhere.

Challenge yourself and make things happen. Even when it gets hard, persist and persevere. Remember what Billy Ocean sang? ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going.’

Make it a mantra that works for you.

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