Causes of Emotional Overwhelm

Boat on Lake During a sunset with sark clousds. 1. Causes of Emotional Overwhelm, Mental Health, Physical Health1. Causes of Emotional Overwhelm, Mental Health, Physical Health

If only there was a single cause, it would be so much easier to identify and rectify! Sadly, there are many different circumstances where it’s common for emotions to be high and rationale is thrown out the window. Some of the causes of emotional overwhelm may include the following.

  • Problems in personal and professional relationships.
  • Stress regarding money, or lack thereof.
  • Death, dying, and grief.
  • Inadequate quality sleep.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Demands on your time, such as career, family, relationships, and social interaction.
  • Trauma.
  • Physical and mental health issues.

There might be a single event that causes a great deal of emotional agitation, or multiple things that happen back-to-back, or worse, all at once. Being in a state of emotional overwhelm is different for everyone.

These differences relate not only to causes but more relevantly to reactions, responses, and recovery.

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