Find Inner Peace and Happiness with These Tips

Find Inner Peace and Happiness with These Tips

Let’s face it. Life gets incredibly hectic at times and sometimes we lose our grip on inner peace. And happiness? Who even knows the definition of that anymore? Times have changed so much in the last hundred years, folks seem to attach a dollar sign on their level of happiness.

The next big promotion, the next big purchase. A bigger house, a fancier car. 
Instead of thinking of happiness as tangible, find that will make you happy from the inside out. Getting rid of stress and achieving inner peace usually does the trick.

The problem is in maintaining that level of bliss. It takes work and sometimes a complete lifestyle overhaul, depending on your sources of stress and strife. 

Here are some ideas on how to get started obtaining inner peace and happiness:

Simplify Your Life

If you ever feel like you’re constantly running in circles or chasing your tail, it’s time to simplify things. Complicated isn’t better; it’s just… well, it’s just complicated. Establishing a daily routine is a good starting point.

Keeping an agenda or calendar so you know what to expect of yourself, and others, on a daily basis. Break down bigger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks so you don’t get overwhelmed. Take breaks and don’t forget to be in the moment.

One Day at a Time

Learning from past mistakes is a great tool, but if you are living in the past, you aren’t living today. Likewise, if you are worrying about what might happen in the future, you also aren’t in the moment, here and now, today. 
Everybody has regrets and things they wish they had done a different way. That’s part of life. Without experiencing things, we have no point of reference for the future.

You can only live life one day at a time. You can only be in this moment for as long as it lasts. You’ll have more energy and brain power to concentrate on today if you are fully present.

Speak Up, Learn to Say No and Be Genuine

If you don’t speak up, no one will know when they have breached a boundary. Boundaries are critical for maintaining inner peace. It’s okay to say no to people if you don’t have the time or resources to fulfill a request.

If you are genuine with yourself and others, they will respect you more for saying no anyway. If you overwhelm yourself you will probably end up doing a subpar job, disappointing both yourself and the person you obliged.

Learn to Accept, Forgive and Move On

Perseverating over small details, things that don’t really have a noticeable effect on your life, causes you more strife than the situation or person with whom are you dealing. Accept that you can’t really change people any more than someone has the power to change you. If you’ve been wronged, be quick to forgive.

Holding on to resentment and hurt feelings is a breeding ground for anxiety, stress, and misery. Let go. Move forward. Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting, but it does mean cleansing your mind and body of the pain and growing from whatever caused you pain.

Set Goals and Celebrate Victories

Goals are important in life. Just because you are looking for inner peace doesn’t mean you don’t want to do better, achieve more and have great success. And when you hit a goal-mark, celebrate! 
If you reward yourself for a job well done, you are likely to put in the same amount of effort in obtaining the next goal on the list. It’s motivating and very effective.

De-Clutter, Everything!

This goes along with keeping things simple, except here it isn’t just about processes and daily chores. You can declutter a cabinet, and you can declutter your friends list. You can get rid of old clothes and you can get rid of toxic relationships. All of these things create a wall between you and inner peace.

Live with Intention

Be intentional in how you live your life, the relationships you cultivate, the goals you set and especially the things you say and do. Words can cut like a knife, so choose them carefully.

Put the Screens Down and Unplug

You’ve got to take time for yourself. Self-care is a huge part of obtaining inner peace. You are less likely to be at peace with a screen 4 inches from your face swiping through emails and social media sites. Designate time to be completely unplugged.

Serve Others

Give back to the community. Volunteer at a nonprofit that resonates with you. Donate items to a shelter or group home. There are countless opportunities to serve others and the benefits received are astounding. Helping others feels good. It provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to live a life filled with inner peace and happiness. You just have to find the right combination that suits your needs and life.

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